Creative Support - Are you getting what you need?

Are you creatively supported? Support comes in many forms, but without the proper help, an artistic endeavor or collaborative effort can wither and fade. So where does this "support" come from? Where should we be looking for that extra encouragement, aid or underwriting? It's people! Agents of change are PEOPLE! People! (In the voice of Charleston Heston from Soylent Green) Seriously, relationships are how the human world works. Creative support is about relationships. Now, I know that you think the support you're looking for is monetary. If you only had the money, you'd be able to complete your creative project. I dig. But what happens when you're done? Are you going to share your art? Are you looking for any kind of artistic verification? At some point in the creative process, EVERYONE needs another person to provide a variety of supportive needs. And that person, or people, should be from your own creative Field. ...